Terms of Service

Terms of Service

Nutmeg Web Service provides Internet Presence services to a global market of customers. As such, we have certain legal and ethical responsibilities consisting with the use of our servers and equipment involved in providing these services. To meet our legal and ethical responsibilities to our customers and to ensure each of our customers receives the quality of service that is being paid for, we have to maintain several policies. All customers are obligated to read, agree to, and keep up-to-date on each of our policies. By obtaining and continuing to use our service, you are agreeing to all of the Nutmeg Web Service policies. Please be aware that these policies may change at anytime without advanced notice, though we will notify you of changes. If you have any questions, comments, or concerns with any of our policies, please contact us. We are happy to explain the reasons for any of our policies because these policies are in place to ensure a quality service for your site and the rest of the sites on our servers. In summary, the following are STRICTLY NOT PERMITTED on our servers:
  • SPAM/UCE, IRC Bots
  • Abuse of Scripts or System Resources
  • Pornography or sex-related merchandising
  • Warez, Hacking/Cracking, MP3 files (including links to/from)
  • Hate/Illegal content or files

Please read our policies carefully.
  • Acceptable Usage Policy
  • Privacy Policy
  • No Spam Policy
  • Bandwidth Policy
  • Script Usage Policy
  • Payment and Cancellation Policy
Tuesday, October 22, 2024

Our Mission

Our mission is to provide well designed and executed websites at reasonable prices.

To make this happen, we believe in the following: 

  • Not all customers want to be internet-savvy
    when it comes to designing, building and
    maintaing a website.
  • We'll listen first, then offer recommendations.
  • We can talk Geek to our computers,
    but we will talk English to our customers.

We offer support, not just hosting

Many companies will build a great website. Others will give you a good hosting plan. Go somewhere else and get your domain registered. Then, as time goes on, who makes sure that the software used to manage your website stays current? Is the content and data used on your website being backed up regularly? Who restores your site if it gets hacked? All Nutmeg Web Service plans are support plans, not just hosting plans. For a low, monthly fee, we take care of everything from basic hosting to routine site maintenance. Hey! We even offer free training!

Does a nickel matter?

For several years, we priced our support and hosting plans at $9.95, $34.95 and so on. But frankly, we think the practice of knocking off pennies to trick the brain into thinking smaller numbers is just silly. You're smart, we try to be intelligent. So, from now on, our plans will be rounded to whole numbers, like $10, not $9.95. Yes, it gives us a five cent raise. If you think this is a mistake on our part, please drop us a note via our contact form to tell us why.

Entry Level Plan
  • 1-2 page website
  • contact page
  • domain registration
  • site hosting
  • email forwarding

All for just $10/month!

Check Out Our Dynamic Business Plan:

  • professionally designed 5-page website
  • contact page
  • blog
  • domain registration
  • site hosting
  • email forwarding
  • and more!

Starting at just $35/month!